What is the BBB and How is Cashunclaimed.com BBB Rating?
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) was founded in 1912 with the stated objective of acting as an intermediary between businesses and customers. Its main functions are to provide information on ethics in business, resolve disputes between customers and suppliers and to facilitate communication between all the stakeholders in any business dealing or commercial transaction.
Among the specialized services ofered are:
-The BBB offer mediation and arbitration services for market place disputes between suppliers, contractors and customers.
Before entering into a business deal or major purchase from a company, you can check it out at the Better Business Bureau website: https://us.BBB.org. Whether the company is a member of the Bureau or not, if it has been evaluated, you will find information on the background of the company, consumer experience reports and details of any governmental or legal actions that may have been taken against the company. These reports are free and available to anyone.
Anyone can file a complaint with the BBB against any business, charity or non profit organization that the person feels is guilty of unethical practices including misleading advertising or product claims, non delivery of agreed goods and services, failure to meet warranty obligations, false claims by charities or non profits etc.
By giving accreditation to businesses that meet its standards, the BBB provides consumers with confidence that they are dealing with ethical companies. But should there be any miscommunication or defect in goods or services; theBetter Business Bureau is a one stop solution for the redress of grievances.
Cashunclaimed.com is a proud member of the BBB, with a strong B rating.
They provide unclaimed money information and resources. To try a FREE SEARCH for MISSING MONEY visit www.cashunclaimed.com.