It Isn’t Just People That Have Unclaimed Property, But Cities Too
While it may be common for a person to look for unclaimed property, did you ever consider that the city may have money left unclaimed? Just think what this could do for your city.
More than a billion dollars is sitting at the Texas state comptroller’s office waiting to be claimed. Some of it belongs to public agencies and local governments, such as the city of Dallas, which has let it collect dust for years.
The city’s ambulance service has several hundred dollars in the state fund; Dallas Water Utilities, the city’s convention center and the library system also have money waiting . One unclaimed check is for $9,000.
In all, the city’s unclaimed funds could total more than $35,000.
Some of these entities do their own searches for the unclaimed funds. An example is Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, their spokesman says it finds thousands each year in unclaimed funds. However, it was found that more than $30,000 is still sitting there. D/FW said its annual search of the database doesn’t always find it all. This is due in part to the various ways in which it is spelled or abbreviated.
Dallas Mayor Miller thinks the city should be doing annual checks too, even if it’s a drop in the budget bucket.
There are many different databases that should be searched. Cash Unclaimed Money Search has simplified the process and pulled all the information from several databases into one big searchable database where you can search for and claim your unclaimed property.