Find Out If You Have Unclaimed Gift Cards
Gift cards are increasing in popularity all around the country. They’re especially good for those people you really don’t know how to shop for. That’s why, if you have a birthday coming up or this Christmas, there’s a good chance that you’ll be handed a greeting card with a gift card inside – by a co-worker, friend or even a neighbor. The thing is, even though gift cards are becoming more popular than ever, they don’t always get used. In fact, there is a growing problem in this country that revolves around unclaimed gift cards. With so much money piling up, to the tune of millions of dollars, you might want to conduct a search to see if you can possibly find unclaimed gift cards in your name.
Unclaimed Gift Cards – How Much Are You Owed?
In order to find unclaimed gift cards, it might help to understand how they go missing and where they go when they do. Most gift cards, when they are considered unclaimed, are sent to the treasury department of the state in which you reside. In some cases, they may be sent to the federal treasury department. It depends on where the unclaimed gift cards originated from and their amounts.
In any case, you don’t have to contact the treasury in your state or the US treasury for that matter. You only have to visit the Cash Unclaimed database, which is designed to make searching for and claiming unclaimed money simple and easy.
With a minimum amount of information, typically your first and last name, the Cash Unclaimed database will conduct an initial thorough search that won’t cost you a dime. If you manage to locate unclaimed gift cards, you will be able to claim those cards right from the site.
You may never know if you have unclaimed gift cards in your name. You’ll only discover the cards and the money that’s on them by conducting a search. Cash Unclaimed makes the process easy. Search today and you may find unclaimed gift cards that you never even knew existed. They’re the gift (cards) that keep on giving.