Search Tips To Find Free Unclaimed Funds
Free money is out there and waiting for you to claim it. Have you ever had an account with the electric or utility company and moved? Have you ever had a bank account? How about an IRA, 401K, or any type of investment that was tied to a former job?
Where do you think that money goes? It goes into larger funds that can be distributed back to you at your request. You just have to find it and ask for it back. You can find free unclaimed funds in just a few minutes by typing information into a database and hitting the send button. The trick is to use the right database, and finding one that is accurate and reliable can quickly become a tedious chore.
Many people have unclaimed funds and property that they may not even be aware of. Some people have inheritances that can include cash and property waiting to be claimed. Old checking or savings account balances, returnable deposits and safety deposit boxes are just a few examples of what you can expect to find when you search for free unclaimed funds in your name. I have even heard of people receiving annuities and stocks. They had no idea that they had such assets owed to them.
I set about finding unclaimed money for myself as a fun experiment once. I spent hours trying to track down all of the state and federal refunds and money that I thought might be due to me. I searched for “free money”, “free unclaimed cash”, “free money”,”find money”, “find free unclaimed funds” and so on. I typed and typed until I could not think of any other keywords to search.
I spent an entire day bouncing from site to site, search to search. It was most unproductive until I did a free unclaimed fund search at I found a few small amounts on my own, such as a toll refund from the Expressway Authority. I searched as many databases as I could find, but it seemed that there was just no money out there for me. Frustrated, I put the idea away for some time until I found an all inclusive free unclaimed funds site that encompassed all of the state and federal databases.
I was able to claim an old tax return, an old paycheck that I had never received and a refund in another state from the power company. The best part was, all I had to do was type my name into the database, tap my fingernails on the desk a few times and all of the information that I needed was provided to me within seconds.
I have always prided myself as being a good steward of my money. When my initial searches yielded me nothing, I wasn’t too surprised because I have always been so careful and contentious with my funds. My results from showed me that perhaps I wasn’t so vigilant in my younger years. Obviously, we all live and learn from our youth.
I must admit that my searching was extremely profitable. In these trying economic times, I was only too happy to cash in those much needed checks to pay some bills. Also, it was such a great feeling to find out that I was owed money and that the process to claim my funds was extremely easy