So Many Unclaimed Money Success Stories In Ohio
If you have ever researched the phenomenon of unclaimed money, you may have come across one or more success stories. These are always great to hear, as they prove that unclaimed money is a legitimate problem and that the cash and property can actually be recovered. The unclaimed money success stories happen all over the country, but here’s one that recently took place in the great state of Ohio.
A Money Blast From The Past
Like most unclaimed money success stories, this tale begins with a man weighed under enormous debt. Ohio resident Michael Hickson managed to uncover $80 in unclaimed money from two distinct sources. Although it wasn’t a huge amount it couldn’t have came at a better time. One check was being held by Georgia Southern University, the very University he’d already graduated from. The other check was from his former employer that must have been part of his last check if not the whole amount, the fast food chain Wendy’s. Sometimes you think you left your last employer right at the end of the pay period but if you came in a worked that last half day or a few hours to collect your things and say goodbye are you sure you got paid for it?
Hickson had no idea why he had been owed the money, but he happily accepted it. He also found it pleasurable to call the two companies to inform them of his new find. Hickson found it especially hilarious that the University owed him money despite all the money he’d poured into his education over the years. Of course, with a man buried under debt and student loans, he says that receiving the money was like finding a small fortune. Like most unclaimed money success stories, this one ends with a man receiving money that already belonged to him, and at just the right time.
If you live in Ohio, you might have money coming to you just like Michael Hickson did. All he had to do was search the largest database in the world of its kind, Cash Unclaimed. With some basic contact information, you also might be able to locate fifty, a hundred or even thousands of dollars in unclaimed money. Then you’ll be able to add your name to all the other unclaimed money success stories in Ohio that have been told throughout the years.
Like Hickson, you can then use the money to pay back debt or for any other purpose. Yet if you want this to be like all the other unclaimed money success stories, you’re going to have to actually participate if you hope to find any money owed to you.