Understanding Your 401K
When you first began understanding your 401K account years ago, you may have been given a series of tips. These simple 401K tips are usually provided to new account holders that notify you of what to do when faced with many common problems. One of those problems that typically leads to the loss of money on a massive scale is when a person moves away or changes job and fails to take their 401K with them. When this happens, the money doesn’t just disappear. Instead, it’s sent to the U.S. treasury for safe keeping. If you want to check to see if you have any 401K money out there, you can search now using just your first and last name.
How To Search For 401K Funds
Sometimes additional tips and or advice are sent periodically over the life of the account, as long as it is currently being serviced by it’s original entity. This information will further explain how your 401K account and funds are protected as well as insured and also what government or private account it is actually being held, serviced and insured by. If you didn’t have your accounts with the same company for very long you might have not even been sent any of these tips, advice or even any follow up or more detailed information.
So, instead of going over all of the simple 401K tips that you may have been given when you first opened your account, you can search for any potential funds by visiting the Cash Unclaimed database. Considered one of the largest databases of its kind for searching for and claiming lost or missing funds, it’s the fastest and cheapest way to understanding your 401K and what may have happened to it so many years ago. Not only will it look up this information for you nationwide but it will also alert you to any and all other misplaced or lost funds that are out there, anywhere, under your name. Even if it was a last check for $37.00 from your very first job 30 years ago or an old tax refund that you never actually cashed and that the IRS still has a refund amount under your name for. There are hundreds of weird reasons why you could possibly find money under your name all across that nation.
The Cash Unclaimed database will ask for your first and last name. This will search your name against all the other names that may be listed on the country’s registry. You might remember from the time you received the simple 401K tips that you had an account manager. You might want to contact that account manager or the company you worked for when you set up the account and first started understanding your 401K. This can help you release the funds or at least transfer them so that you can begin contributing to them from your new job. After all, any time spent on this to reveal any additional money that you can stack up and save for retirement really is time well spent. Like they say, time is money!
Or maybe, after reviewing the simple 401K tips, you might want to cash your money out so that you can live on the funds you may have accumulated over the years. Now you’re well on your way to understanding your 401K. The next step is searching for it using Cash Unclaimed and a first and last name.