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Find Out If You Have Unclaimed Gift Cards

July 29th, 2013

Gift cards are increasing in popularity all around the country. They’re especially good for those people you really don’t know how to shop for. That’s why, if you have a birthday coming up or this Christmas, there’s a good chance that you’ll be handed a greeting card with a gift card inside – by a co-worker, friend or even a neighbor. The thing is, even though gift cards are becoming more popular than ever, they don’t always get used. In fact, there is a growing problem in this country that revolves around unclaimed gift cards. With so much money piling up, to the tune of millions of dollars, you might want to conduct a search to see if you can possibly find unclaimed gift cards in your name.

Ever Heard Of Unclaimed Gift Cards?

April 2nd, 2013

You know the gift cards that are usually given out as presents or rewards instead of actual gifts? Well these to are starting to pile up. Well not each of the actual physical gift cards but the actual cash value of all of these cards is finally adding up. The total estimated figure of this staggering amount is somewhere to the tune of $6.8 billion by the last and most recently updated count. With all that money to contend with, state treasurers are at a loss as to what they should do about this specific problem. They already have enough on their plates and with these types of gifted funds starting to really add up they are frustrated and actually stumped as to how to properly and effectively handle this growing situation.

Unused Gift Cards Become State Unclaimed Property: Fox Business News Report

April 18th, 2012

Are You Owed Unused Gift Card Money
or Other Unclaimed Property or Cash?
Find out Now!



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Find Unused Gift Card Money and other Unclaimed Property or Free Cash with a simple free search:

Click Here to Get Your Unused Gift Card Money before the State takes it! As seen here on this Fox Business News Report! .

Millions Exist in Unclaimed Gift Cards

November 21st, 2011

Unclaimed gift cards are part of the unclaimed money pile. The government is said to be holding nearly $6 million in unclaimed gift cards alone!!

If you think you might have some unclaimed gift cards waiting for you, the best place to search for them is Cashunclaimed.com!

Find your unclaimed gift cards and money in time for the holiday season!

New Source of Unclaimed Funds: Unclaimed Gift Card Money

May 2nd, 2011

Unclaimed gift cards have become a new source of unclaimed money in America. Here are some gift card related statistics that intends to reveal the gift card circulation in America and the volume of unclaimed gift cards that are in the unclaimed money pool:

Expired Gift Card Money: Where Does It Go?

April 29th, 2011

Expired gift card money has been a concern this holiday season. The gift season is in full glory starting from Thanksgiving up till the New Year. The chances are that you are either the recipient of a gift or you are planning to give a gift to someone close to your heart. Gift cards are the most common form of gifts being exchanged during the holiday season.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.