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How to Claim California Unclaimed Funds

September 9th, 2014

California is the place you want to be, as the Beverly Hillbillies theme song once declared, and The Golden State is definitely where you want to be if you want to get your hands on some of the unclaimed funds that are slowly being distributed about. If this is the first time you’ve heard about California unclaimed funds, considered to be the state’s latest gold rush, you will be pleased to learn that there are hundreds of millions of dollars – and possibly more – being kept in the state’s treasury. Now all current and former residents have a chance to search for any unclaimed funds that may be owed to them with a simple online search.

California’s Unclaimed Money Funds Still Increasing 

February 11th, 2011

The unclaimed money fund in California is going through the roof with almost 12 million people still losing out on their unclaimed funds. This pile continues to grow at an alarming rate, in spite of many initiatives being taken by the state treasury.

As one of the proactive steps towards these issues, the state of California has enacted Unclaimed Property Law that requires property holders such as corporations, business associations, financial institutions, and insurance companies to submit an annual report and return dormant property to the State Controller’s Office. As of the last estimate, about $600 million are collected by the California state unclaimed funds division annually.

California’s Unclaimed Property Still Rising

October 13th, 2010

State of California is inundated with its growing pile of unclaimed funds with almost 11.6 million individuals still unaware of their unclaimed cash or property. In responseto this unmanageable situation, the state of California has enacted Unclaimed Property Law that requires property holders such as corporations, business associations, financial institutions and insurance companies to annually report and return dormant property to the State Controller’s Office. By a rough estimate, about $600 million are collected by the California state unclaimed funds division annually.

California Uses Unclaimed Money to Fix Budget Deficit

June 2nd, 2010

California tops the chart in unclaimed money laying with the state treasurer. The state is trying its best to get the unclaimed cash to the rightful owners. To reach the owners individually, California government is sending more than 9,000 memos this week. Week after week the reminders are being sent to the businesses as well as individuals to inform them about any unclaimed cash or property in their name.

The state’s coffers are getting filled with Unclaimed Property Program that receives unclaimed checks from various banks, insurance companies, utility services, employers, etc. Any financial instrument, if unrealized for more than three years, is categorized as unclaimed money.

CA Unclaimed Money Secrets Revealed

September 14th, 2009

The heat of recession has left no country unaffected. However, in these tough times, there is some sort of solace to those folks who are associated with California in the present or in the past. Millions of dollars are waiting in the treasuries of California waiting to be claimed by their rightful owners. There are many who have conducted California missing money search and found thousands of dollars that they did not know belonged to them.

The whole thing may seem implausible. You might be wondering how such a thing is possible. This is a little-known concept to most Canadians, but is very real and is growing steadily every year.

How to Find Unclaimed State Money

November 28th, 2008

Money that belongs to you is apparently stashed away in treasuries belonging to the 50 states and the federal government. Have you ever thought of the fact that you could have unclaimed state money waiting for you in the treasuries of one or more states? Would you like your state to use up your hard-earned money for its own benefit? Why take a loan or apply for government grants when you have unclaimed state money that could enable you to buy that new house or car?

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.