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How to Claim Missing Money in 2014

February 4th, 2014

Missing money is set to be a hot topic of discussion in 2014 and for years to come until this issue is resolved once and for all. With billions of dollars still being controlled nationwide by a series of treasury offices, more Americans could find themselves a little bit richer this year. For those Americans that want to increase their bank accounts will first need to conduct a simple search for the missing money that is available. If money is found, that money can be claimed with a very simple process. If you suspect that you have missing money available and if you want to learn how to claim missing money that may be owed to you, visit Cash Unclaimed and hope for the best.

What Becomes Of Missing Cash In Arkansas

July 30th, 2013

If you were to drop a fifty dollar bill on the ground outside of a Little Rock Walmart and then you went back a little while later to search for it, only to find it missing, you might suspect that someone came along and picked it up. If you then set out to find the person who picked up your money, you’re probably going to run yourself to exhaustion and you’ll still be none the richer. While you might be out of luck if you drop physical money on the ground, you can retrieve your hard-earned funds if you happen to lose cash electronically or via check. This is known as Arkansas missing cash and there are over $170 million to relocate, according to the last estimates. If you want to track down missing cash in Arkansas, you don’t have to call anyone or mail any letters. You only have to visit a single website called Cash Unclaimed.

Georgia Missing Wages Becoming A Problem

July 25th, 2013

Everyday citizens across Georgia are missing valuable funds that they worked hard for; and yet most don’t even know that the money is out there. This is the Georgia missing wages problem and every year the dilemma gets bigger. The first question most people have when they are told about the Georgia missing wages problem is – How did the money go missing in the first place? How do people miss their own money? Do I have to fly out there to track it down and claim it? The problem is a complicated one, but it’s one that can be better explained with a few examples. Here is how Georgia missing wages actually go missing and how you can claim them using an online connection and your very own first and last name.

The Georgia Missing Money Problem

June 17th, 2013

There’s trouble brewing in Georgia and it has to do with the state’s missing money problem. The state’s officials are scratching their heads as they hold secret meetings in an attempt to dream up a way to eradicate the Georgia missing money problem for good. With so much money to contend with – millions of dollars to be exact – there must be some way out of this mess. It turns out that now there is. A simple online database has been constructed that promises to be the answer to the missing money problem in Georgia.


Texas Continues To Grow As Well As its Missing Money

May 7th, 2013

More people are moving to Texas for the job growth, the economy and the fact that there’s so much missing money in Texas. Ok, the people may not be flooding here for missing money in Texas, but they would if they knew how much money treasurers have to contend with. As missing money continues to grow in Texas, so does the population, and that means even more lost money is bound to come rolling in. If you want to get your hands on some of this lost cash, whether you’re new to the state or you’re a life-long Texan, you can find missing money in Texas with a simple online search.

Double The Money In Your Pocket By Claiming Missing Cash

April 11th, 2013

Reach into your pocket right now and count how much money you currently have on you. Now tell me, how would you like to double or even triple that amount? Ok, now to be fair, even if you are like most people and do not even carry cash anymore you could double or even triple the amount in your pocket or even in your bank account right now. All it takes to see if your are on of the lucky ones that this could possibly happen to, is for you to do a search for any missing cash that might be out there under your name. Then you just have to actually claim this said missing cash. To double or even possibly triple your money, keep reading. A few minutes of your time to read through these tips may be worth it to you.

Georgia Still Missing Money

March 26th, 2013

There is still missing money in Georgia and the state’s Treasurers are not happy about it. Just when the team that works in the Treasury office thinks that they might have a handle on the situation, even more Georgia missing money comes flowing in. Think of a fire hose, but instead of water there are checks upon checks flowing out of the business end. You could find missing money in Georgia, but first we have to find out where all those checks come from and who is owed all of that money. That’s the answer the state Treasury wants to find out. If you want to locate missing money in Georgia, listen up. The solution is easier than you might think.

Michigan’s Missing Money Problem

January 9th, 2013

Michigan’s missing money problem is becoming as great as the very lakes that surround it. The mitten shaped state has faced missing money problems before, but never before have treasury officials felt so strained. According to the Michigan department of Treasury missing money department, the state has added more than 850,000 names to its registry. That means more people are now contributing to the missing money problem. All it takes is a simple money search and the Michigan missing money problem could be a thing of the past.


How Do You Conduct a Missing Money Search?

Let’s Keep Missing Money From Building Up In 2013

January 7th, 2013

As people vow to give up cigarettes, drop a few pounds or start up the latest exercise routine as their new year’s resolutions, we are urging all citizens of this great country to conduct a search for missing money. Throughout the year we have national holidays that are built around certain causes. Going with this same thinking, we should have a holiday for missing money. We could make it the month before tax day, March 15, 2013. That way the people that do find money can have it in their accounts just in time to pay Uncle Sam. Good thing it’s so easy to search for missing money. If you have an Internet connection, you too can search for lost or missing money that may have your name written all over it.

How To Come Out On Top In The Search For Missing Cash

December 4th, 2012

What if someone stopped you on the street and told you that there was missing cash somewhere in your state and that it was your job to find it? You’d probably laugh, as most people would, or maybe you would think outside the box. Looking for missing cash or anything for that matter in an area as large as an entire state seems laughable, especially when you haven’t the faintest clue where to begin. This is actually one of the main parts of the problem of this growing missing cash issue.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.