Do YOU Know Where Unclaimed Money Comes From?
I recently discovered this great video that is an interview with’s founder, Bill McIntosh, explaining where unclaimed money comes from. He explains it all! The concept of unclaimed money is hard to believe, however, it makes total sense when you know the sources of most unclaimed money.
Bill McIntosh and have been helping thousands of people search for their unclaimed money for over 7 years! There is currently OVER $40 Billion (if not MORE) that sits with the governments in unclaimed money. Unclaimed property has become an even bigger issues since it takes up more space than money! States have started auctioning off property that is unclaimed, and leave the proceeds for the owner of the unclaimed property.
How much are YOU owed?
The best way to find out, is the best company, who has been in business for OVER 7 years and still going strong! has the LARGEST unclaimed money database around, with access to BOTH state and federal records.
Find out how much YOU are owed, for Free. Go to