Reasons Why You Might Be Able To Find Unclaimed Funds
During these difficult economic times many people struggle to pay their bills, often going without the basic necessities in life. What they don’t know is that there are billions of dollars of unclaimed funds waiting to be claimed. This money may have been sitting in federal or state accounts for years. To find unclaimed funds, Cash Unclaimed offers assistance to those who may be eligible for an income tax refund, VA benefits, an inheritance, or possibly a refund from HUD or even old savings bonds. There are certain requirements that must be met before a claim can be made though. Those filing for money owed to them must have a valid birth certificate, a valid social security number, proof of United States residency and be at least 18 years old.
Often those who filed an income tax return change their address or change their name. Without a recent address the IRS cannot mail an income tax refund to the proper recipient. The income tax refund check may be lost in the mail. An income tax amendment can be filed with the IRS within three years of filing for a tax refund that may be due but was never received. U.S. residents who never filed for an Earned Income Tax Credit may be owed a refund. Those who are between the age of 25 and 65 may qualify for a past Earned Income Tax Credit that was not claimed in previous years.
Veterans benefits may also be claimed, whether the veteran is still alive or if he or she has passed away. Those who are still active in the ROTC or National Guard may have VA benefits that have not been claimed. Health insurance and life insurance, employment and educational benefits, disability benefits, mortgage loans from the VA and even rehab compensation funds can be claimed. Surviving spouses and their children may also be able to claim benefits from the VA that are owed to them.
Unclaimed Social Security benefits, both death benefits and disability benefits, Railroad Retirement benefits, life insurance payments, unemployment benefits, deposits from utility companies and landlords, HUD refunds, dividends from stocks and bonds or mutual funds and lottery winnings may be also be claimed. Cash Unclaimed offers assistance to those who may be eligible for unclaimed funds.
Those who have had an FHA loan in years after 1983 and paid a mortgage insurance fee at the time of closing may be able to claim a refund from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. If the loan was not in default at any time, a refund may be waiting in this account. Those who had an FHA mortgage before 1983 and had the mortgage for more than seven years may be due a refund if the mortgage insurance was terminated before November, 1990.
The largest source of unfiled claims are from the estates of loved ones who have passed away. They may or may not ever have had a will and relatives and close personal friends have moved away and lost touch over the years. Unclaimed estate funds are available to those who failed to receive their inheritance. With proper identification the inheritance can be claimed. Proceeds from the estate such as valuable antiques, jewelry, life insurance, cash or even the home itself may be claimed. Heirs to the estate may even be eligible for an unclaimed income tax refund whether or not there was a will filed with the state.
As stated above, those who may have funds due to them must be able to prove that they are legal residents of the United States. They must have a valid Social Security card, a valid birth certificate, be over 18 years of age and have proof that they are legal citizens of the U.S. Without these documents, there is no way to file for unclaimed funds.