Increase Funds With Unclaimed Utility Deposits
Many people have lots more money than they realize. In fact most people don’t even know their money exists. If you have ever paid a utility deposit or held a bank account you may have unclaimed money just waiting for you. That’s right. Each year millions of people put down deposits on utilities or have bank accounts they have not done any transactions in for over three years. While they no longer use the utility or bank account, the money is still there just waiting to be claimed. Most people go to their graves never knowing they had thousands of dollars in unclaimed utility deposits or money from old bank accounts just waiting to be collected. If you want to know if you have unclaimed cash waiting for you visit
It’s simple. If you are over 18 years of age, are a citizen of the United States and have ever held a job, you may have unclaimed money waiting for you. The U.S. tax laws are very complex. Many taxpayers are not aware of all the deductions that have been taken out of their checks or all the money they are entitled to in refunds. They never ask for the money so the government holds on to it until they do. That leaves millions of dollars sitting waiting to be claimed by taxpayers each year. The longer you have been working and paying taxes, the more money you may have waiting to be claimed.
The same is true with the banking system. Many children are introduced to banking by their parents, grandparents or other family members when they are very young. These family members attempt to get the children in the savings habit by opening an account for them. They may deposit money into those accounts for birthdays or other significant times in the child’s life. These accounts are often forgotten and that money sits there drawing interest for years. Other people open bank accounts at different stages in their lives and forget about them over time. This is still your money and it is sitting there waiting for you to claim it.
If you have ever held a job with a company which offered to match a specific amount of money withheld from your check each pay period, you may have unclaimed money sitting waiting for you. It is not unusual for people to move or change jobs and not get all the money to which they are entitled. That money does not just disappear. It is out there waiting for you to claim it. In fact if you had numerous jobs over your lifetime you may have an untold amount of money just waiting for you to come and get it. The question is, will you or will it remain forever unclaimed?
When people get their first apartments or when they move to a new city they are often required to pay a deposit to set up their utilities. Those deposits are often in the range of one or two hundred dollars each. When they move, few people remember to collect the deposits from each of their utility accounts. That means you may have hundreds if not thousands of dollars in unclaimed utility deposits. You may have forgotten all the companies you have given deposits to over the years. But those unclaimed utility deposits can add up to a significant amount of money. Your money. And it is just sitting there waiting for you to take the time to come and collect it.
You may be one of those fortunate people for whom a few hundred or a few thousand dollars may not mean that much. If so you can ignore this wake-up call and return to your normal life. But if you are like most people who can find a whole hosts of things to do with an extra few hundred dollars, your money is waiting.