What Happens To Unclaimed Lottery Funds In New Jersey
Everyday millions of people purchase lottery tickets in New Jersey. These hopeful men and women stand in line at grocery and convenience stores with their dollars in hand hoping that they’ll have a chance to win a mega-jackpot that will see them set for life. As they say, you won’t win if you don’t play. If you are included with the New Jersey lottery playing group and you’ve ever won a jackpot, you may have left some of your winnings behind in your mad rush to go on a much needed vacation! This is in fact a growing epidemic called unclaimed lottery funds. If you suspect that you may have been shorted by the lottery commission, there is a new and easy way to find out.
Winning the Lottery
If you have ever won a sum of money in the Garden State on one of those scratch tickets, or if you’ve ever won a drawing, there is a good chance that you might find unclaimed lottery funds in New Jersey. Lottery officials are human just like everyone else and they make mistakes. What complicates matters is that tax is oftentimes taken out of the sum before it’s delivered to you. If you were promised a thousand dollars and tax is taken out, you may not be sure about the final amount. The amount you’re actually awarded may be hundreds or even thousands short, depending on how much you originally won.
You also might have chosen the option for a few large payouts to not get taxed as much as some lottery winning options like this are offered. In this case you may have lost track of how many payments have been made to you due to the overwhelming situation of suddenly coming into a great deal of money.
Unclaimed lottery funds in New Jersey are sitting in a vault waiting for you to step forward. To begin, visit the Cash Unclaimed database and insert your name when prompted. If you find unclaimed lottery funds in New Jersey, you will finally be able to recoup those winnings that were held back from you when you were announced the winner so many years ago. Even if it happened ten years ago, there’s still a chance. Visit Cash Unclaimed and try your hand at trying to locate unclaimed lottery funds in New Jersey.
There are millions of dollars to manage and only a few hundred-thousand names on the list. Could your name be one of them? See if you can find unclaimed lottery funds in New Jersey by searching the Cash Unclaimed database.