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Help Clear North Carolina of Lost Funds

March 28th, 2014

North Carolina is chock-full of lost funds and even South Carolina is envious of how much cash its northern counterpart is keeping on hand. The money comes at just the right time, too, with the state’s residents just now feeling the pinch from the slow economic recovery the country has been experiencing since the last recession. Now, struggling North Carolina residents will finally be able to get their hands on some or all of the loot they once had possession of; but happened to lose somewhere along the way. If you think you might have lost funds in North Carolina coming to you, it’s about time you did something about it. Here is how to find the funds that rightfully belong to you.

Track Down Missing Property in Missouri

March 27th, 2014

The mystery of Missouri missing property is causing quite a stir, alliteration aside. Here is the scoop: For years now Missouri State Treasurers have found themselves on the receiving end of checks, bank accounts, stocks, bonds and personal property that rightfully belong to residents of the state. This hasn’t been a problem up until now. Today, the influx of Missouri missing property can only be described as being out of control. Why is this property going to the treasury instead of the people who actually own it? That’s not the mystery. That part we know. The mystery that is perplexing officials all across the state is better stated in a question: Why aren’t more residents searching for their rightful property? To find the answer to that question, let’s examine why this money goes missing in the first place.

Why Maryland is Still Finding Missing Cash

March 21st, 2014

Maryland officials are still stumbling over checks, bank accounts, stock and bonds at the state treasury office and you may have ownership into what’s being kept and managed. Officials thought they had a good handle on the problem of Maryland missing cash when the treasury office started returning the money to the rightful owners by the hundreds and thousands over the past few years. Now, the problem seems to be growing and soon officials won’t have a handle on it at all. Missing cash in Maryland may grow to out-of-control proportions, unless you step forward and do your best to help. To find out how, simply point your favorite Internet browser to Cash Unclaimed. There you will be asked to enter some vital information. What you enter and what you find may tip the Maryland missing cash scales in your favor.

Could You Have Left Money in Louisiana?

March 17th, 2014

Louisiana may be known as the home of bayous and alligators, but the boot-shaped state is also becoming known as the state to house millions of dollars in unclaimed money. If you are a Louisiana resident or if you used to call the state home, you might have a sum of cash waiting for you. To conduct an instant search online with no-fee-required, visit Cash Unclaimed today.

Did You Leave Louisiana Money Behind?

Why Wisconsin is Still Struggling to Place Lost Cash

March 12th, 2014

Wisconsin may know all about cheese, but the Midwestern state has a lot to learn about lost cash. Every year the state’s treasury is in receivership of millions of dollars that rightfully belongs to residents of the state, and some funds are even owned by people who have recently moved out of state. So far this money has simply been building with no outlet to be seen. Treasurers know what to do with the money; they need to return it to the rightful owners and stat, before the problem gets too out of control. Instead of returning the money, however, treasurers have so far let the money sit.

How to Find Money in Delaware

March 5th, 2014

With Delaware being such a small state, you would think that finding anything you were searching for would be very easy to find; including lost or misplaced money. It is a fact that Delaware has a large stock of misplaced money, but the money wasn’t misplaced like you might think. Instead, the cash was found by the state’s treasury and treasurers had no other option than to hoard the bills, checks and accounts into a single vault; and there the Delaware found money has grown to out-of-control levels. Your job as a Delaware state resident, or even a former resident if you think that some of this lost and found cash may be yours, is to search Cash Unclaimed for any money you may be owed. You never know how much you may collect just by conducting a search.

More on Washington Mutual Pay-Outs of Lost Funds

March 3rd, 2014

Washington Mutual, otherwise known as WaMu, filed for bankruptcy back in 2008, but not before the failing bank issued a statement that many of its customers would be issued a lost funds pay-out of $9.8 million. If you had deposits in a WaMu bank, bonds or any other type of account, you are encouraged to search for that money immediately. You don’t have to search the Washington Mutual bankruptcy files and you don’t even need to contact JP Morgan, which purchased WaMu a few years ago. To find Washington Mutual pay-outs that may be owed to you, visit Cash Unclaimed, use your first and last name, and provide an email address to discover the truth to this expensive mystery.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.