November 13th, 2012
It’s pretty likely that most Americans know how many bank accounts they currently have open. Money, especially in this day and age, is incredibly valuable and most people don’t like to lose sight of it for too long. When you have money in a bank account, you know exactly how much is in there and how many accounts you have. However, did you know that there are millions of dollars in lost money in this country and much of it can be attributed to abandoned bank accounts?
As strange as it may sound, some people lose track of their bank accounts only to find out years later that they have money coming to them.
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How Bank Accounts Work And Why They Become Abandoned(653 words, 2 images, estimated 2:37 mins reading time)
Posted in Lost Money | 3,549 Comments »
November 9th, 2012
With the conclusion of the Presidential election in this country, it’s time to get back to business. One matter Obama needs to contend with in his next four years in office is the fact that we have millions of missing funds sitting in state and government accounts. We spend so much time talking about overseas spending and outsourcing and other economic subjects and, while those matters are of course important, we hear nothing about how to claim missing funds. Why isn’t anyone talking about this matter, especially when it could help so many Americans and possibly put our economy back on track?
This is a preview of:
Are You One Of The Millions Missing Funds?(438 words, 2 images, estimated 1:45 mins reading time)
Posted in missing funds | 3,532 Comments »
November 7th, 2012
If you were told to look for lost cash, would you know where to look first? Would you check under the couch or in between the cushions?
Would you check in between the seats in your car or maybe in the trunk? What about the pockets of old or dirty jeans? While the above searches may yield an extra $15 to $20, if you’re lucky, there is an even better way to go about finding lost cash. This new way of finding lost cash can yield tens, hundreds or even thousands of dollars. All you need is your name and to know how to look for it.
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How Does One Go About Finding Lost Cash?(687 words, 2 images, estimated 2:45 mins reading time)
Posted in Lost Funds | 2,902 Comments »
November 6th, 2012
Millions of Americans nationwide, average citizens just like you and I, have lost funds out there waiting in a government account or state coffer somewhere. Not only does it literally belong to millions of Americans but the total amount of these lost funds is well over a billion and counting. Most people hear these figures and immediately roll their eyes in disbelief. If you just so happen to be one of the people preaching these statistics then they will immediately assume that you are running some scam or might be a con artist possibly trying to get one over on them.
This is a preview of:
How The Government Uses Lost Funds(688 words, 3 images, estimated 2:45 mins reading time)
Posted in Lost Funds | 2,274 Comments »
November 5th, 2012
Did you know that you can possibly find money online? You may have heard millions of times that you can win money online by taking a simple survey, signing up for future promotional e-mails or by joining a website. You also may have even been told that you would be given free money online for several different types of reasons like a government grant or taking part in an event. But we are not talking about any type of contest or giveaway like that or any that you may of heard of before. The money that we are speaking of might actually already belong to you.
This is a preview of:
Ever Found Cash Online? Search Your Name Today(711 words, 2 images, estimated 2:51 mins reading time)
Posted in Found Money | 2,811 Comments »