October 9th, 2012
If you plan to attend the Tulsa State Fair, you may want to wear pants with some extra deep pockets or bring an extra large purse. That’s because you may end up leaving with far more money than you walked through the gate with. I know it sounds to good to be true to actually come home from the fair with any money period, let alone way more then you brought in! Well this year, the State of Oklahoma is trying to reconnect thousands of Oklahoma residents with hundreds of thousands of dollars that is being held in unclaimed money accounts. If you’re going to the fair, you’ll have a chance to see if you are the rightful owner of some of that unclaimed money.
This is a preview of:
Ken Miller Sets Up Unclaimed Money Booth At Tulsa State Fair(480 words, 2 images, estimated 1:55 mins reading time)
Posted in unclaimed money | 2,621 Comments »
October 8th, 2012
Most people who search for Illinois unclaimed property never expect to find much. Can you imagine the surprise, then, when officials at a certain Illinois company were handed a check for $8.1 Million from the Illinois unclaimed property program? Who knew there was that much money in the program to begin with? According to state officials, it’s the largest asset returned since the state began the Illinois unclaimed property program. Who did the check go to and why was there so much money unaccounted for?
Illinois Unclaimed Property Program
Posted in Unclaimed Property | 2,930 Comments »
October 5th, 2012
The Huron County Reflector is set to announce nearly 700 unclaimed funds accounts in an upcoming issue. That’s almost $250,000 in Ohio unclaimed funds and the rightful owners of those sums have yet to come forward. That was why the decision was made to publish the unclaimed funds in Ohio’s Reflector. They are hoping that by getting the word out it will urge Ohio residents to come forward and check and see if any of these unclaimed funds belong to them or anyone they might know.
This is a preview of:
The Reflector Lists Unclaimed Funds In Ohio(455 words, 2 images, estimated 1:49 mins reading time)
Posted in Uncategorized | 3,618 Comments »
October 4th, 2012
Most people don’t actually lose their money. They hold onto it, watching and keeping track of it every second they get. They keep it secure in their wallets, in their pockets or purses and they even put their money in bank accounts and safety deposit boxes to keep it extra secure. Some people might even go as far as burying it like treasure.
Yet even when money is safe in a bank account, it’s still susceptible to getting lost and forgotten about. People really do forget about money in their bank accounts all the time and this money just ends up getting “lost” or unaccounted for. Have you ever misplaced or lost money in this manner? How can you really be sure that you haven’t?
This is a preview of:
Have You Ever Forgotten A Bank Account And Lost Money?(595 words, 2 images, estimated 2:23 mins reading time)
Posted in Lost Money | 3,959 Comments »