March 2nd, 2012
Almost every company has some form of unclaimed property or money. The concept of unclaimed money does not only apply to just individuals; cities, businesses, or other institutions are also capable of having unclaimed money in their name.
The best way to find out if you, or your corporation or institution have unclaimed property is with Log on to today for your free unclaimed money search!
Posted in Unclaimed Property | 578 Comments »
March 1st, 2012
If you, or anyone you know, has moved in the past few years, and forgot to get their utility deposit back, you could have unclaimed money waiting for you! It’s THAT easy!
Most people fail to notify the proper authorities when they move, so there is no known address to send refund or deposit checks. This is a huge contribution to the unclaimed money pile that the state governments manage.
Log on to today to see if YOU have any unclaimed utility money waiting for you, all for FREE!!
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